200 gr flour
200 gr water
1 tablespoon butter
30 gr yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 glass oil
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 and 1/4 glasses sugar
1 and 1/2 glasses water
1 tablespoon lemon juice

– Boil the syrup and let simmer for 15 minutes. Let cool.
– Put the flour in a saucepan. Make a hollow in the middle. Put the yeast, melted butter and salt. Mix a little and slowly add the water. Mix well and make a soft dough. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
– Heat the oil. Take a handful of dough. Squeeze and let pop out a hazelnut size piece of it between the thumb and the index finger. Cut it off with a wet spoon and drop it into the heated oil.
– Repeat the same, wetting the spoon each time, until you have 7-8 of them in the pan. Fry them lightly, stirring occasionally.
– Take them out with a skimmer and drain well.
– When all of them are lightly browned, fry them a second time until they are golden brown.
– Drain well and drop into the syrup.
– Take them out and serve sprinkled with cinnamon.

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